Monday, December 6, 2010

Dating the World Wide Web

In the past people tended to pick the best prospect to hook  up with from a very small pool of people;  people you worked with, where the pool of appropriate age single people might be only three or four, people you got "fixed up" with, by friends or (God forbid) your mother, or someone you thought looked really good after three or four cocktails on girls night out, (or while out with the boys.)
Now we can pick from the whole WORLD WIDE WEB of prospects. Dating on the internet is a little bit like Hoover Dam being held off  by the poor little boy with his finger in the (no pun intended) dyke. 
Here are some observations I made about who's out there and why it is harder still to find the right person.  When you think of whom you want in a mate, besides being tall, blonde, with a good sense of humor, consider this:
First, they must be “computer literate.”  They must have internet access, an email address, own a digital camera, and know how to upload the right type of photo files, (jpeg, gif, etc.) to their computers.
They must be photogenic.  Some people, for some reason, look really unattractive in photographs.  Even with ideal conditions and professional lighting they just don’t photograph well.  If a picture speaks a thousand words, one thing it will scream is any slight imperfection.  Being slightly over-weight, or balding, too large a shadow under that “distinctive” nose gets thrown into the “no thank you!” pile without a second look.
Dating websites’ questionnaires are designed to bring out a member’s personality type or interesting qualities but your prospect better have a flair for writing too.  The bio they write about themselves should be an inventory of all their own strong points and a wish list of who their ideal partner would be.  If they’ve managed the tech-y side of signing up, and uploaded a photogenic picture of themselves, wrote a decent bio (with no major spelling or grammar errors, beware of the shallow factor.
They must not be SO shallow as to demand that YOU be gorgeous, have (only) a trim, athletic build, are  independently wealthy, and have no vices whatsoever…Please, also be emotionally available.
Good luck to us all.

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